***Marriages made happen for the people of the ‘cloud’.

FB’MTS - Failed in Bumble, (get) married through SaaS Shaadi.***

Reinventing Marriage segments.

Why are we building SaaS Shaadi? India is a complicated sociological state, we’re professionally liberal but personally conservative.
Advent of SaaS and the exposure to think global has put us in an unique position to accelerate careers, blur territorial boundaries and live comfortably.

Thanking the stars and with gratitude counting our privilege, How beautiful would it be to experience and share your companionship with someone of the same pool?

We don’t force sell our idea, we just want you to think on the above, ponder your thought and work through deep realisation.

What ChatGpt thinks about this?


Other Offerings:

  1. NewsLetter - Le’ GTM(Get-to-marry)

  2. Marriage Coaching(Go(i)ng Wing_man)

  3. Merge, Commit and Let’s Ramp (Post Marriage Counselling)

  4. Case Studies and More…….

We’re in Beta, come Join Our Waitlist https://sprw.io/stt-1aBg6gKdtA4n2HK9Xci1dc

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ask_me_a_joke

Write to us at : [email protected]